What If....

 What if, you were the sun and I was the moon...

And we would meet at every dawn.

The flowers would bloom at the touch of your golden rays

And adorn my bridal attire,

As you would tenderly lift the veil of fog, off my face.

And I would blush, taking one last glance at you...

Before silently melting in your warmth.

When the bees would sing to you the poetries I had created

All through the night, in my impatience of your arrival...

In my endless wait to hold you close,

And never let you go....

In my clandestine dreams, of being together

In the same bed of clouds,

Under the blanket of the stars...

When there would be no day....and no night,

But just you, and me. 

What if, you were the sun, and I was the moon...

And we would meet at every dawn,

Or at the dusk...

When the zephyr would be high on Love,

When the sky would be drenched in a myriad of psychedelic colours,

When we would find our ephemeral home in the same sky...

Just like those happy little birds.

And you would then kiss me farewell, asking me to sleep,

Before tiptoeing into the horizon.

Little would you know, sweetheart,

That I'll wait....

Glowing pristinely, in the light that you have left me with,

Treasuring this little part of you, with all of my scars...

All of my imperfections.

Little would you know that...

I would still believe,

That in some Universe or the other

Where there is no day, and no night...

Juliet still sleeps in her Romeo's arms,


You and me walk hand in hand, in the same sky.


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