Within My Heart You Live...


Within my heart you live,

Even though you stay so far away 

Amidst the clouds.

Amidst the stars.

In the peace of the Heaven,

In the presence of the Almighty you had so dearly prayed to all through your little time here.

Far away from my mortal eyes,

You visit me everyday in my dreams.

Waking me up to another new day,

Like you always did.

Your ideals being my guiding light,

Your blessings being my armour,

You make your presence felt every moment

Even in the void you have created here

With your absence.

The void...that would never again be filled.

The void...that would always bring up so many 'what if's.

The void...that would make me miss you a bit more with every passing second,

Even though you are right next to me. 

"Why did you leave??", 

I wish I could ask like a naive child, who is so unaware of the ultimate truth of Life.

I wish I could make you stay a bit more longer, if not, forever.

And then I see you

Smiling, within me.

Running your hand over my head.

Comforting me, like always.

Assuring me, that you would come back again,

In a new self, with that same old smile.

With that same old Love

With that same old wisdom,

You will find me, again.

Comforting me...once again, like those good old days.

Watching the stars under the summer sky, together, like we always did

As the zephyr would bring to us stories from the far off lands.

Laughing together, like there was no tomorrow.

Watering the little plants, where the flowers would once again smile at us.

We'll meet again, someday...

Someday, I'll be the one saying,

"Sweet my child, I live for thee..."


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