The Winds Bring Me Your Fragrance...


The winds bring me the fragrance of your skin, My beloved,

From the far off lands, behind the mountains…

Where the clouds reign.

Where the snow glitters in the lights from the cosmos…

And crystal-clear streams dance in ecstasy over rocks and pebbles

Creating silver ripples and foamy castles

In her journey, to meet her ocean.


The winds bring me the fragrance of your skin, my beloved,

In the lonely nights, as I lay awake…

Thinking of how far you are, from these tired eyes of mine

That hide you carefully, behind their lids, within their dreams…

Like some Queen’s stolen treasure, that is not meant to be found.

Like a vintage painting, with colours spilled over the canvas like a beautiful mess

Holding a meaning, best known to me.

Like a beautiful mystery….unknown…unfathomed…unsolved.


The winds bring me the fragrance of your skin, my beloved,

When the moon peeks through my window

Shining upon my face…

Bringing back your stories, from the lands where you live

Miles apart from mine.

Settling ephemerally upon my lips

Like the way, we had once kissed.


The winds bring me the fragrance of your skin, My beloved,

As they flirt with my curls…just the way you used to.

Caressing my face with utter tenderness,

They bring me the unspoken promises of your love.

Like the music of some distant land

Unheard… unsung….

They soothe my soul,

Lulling me to sleep in a cradle of dreams.


The winds bring me the fragrance of your skin, My beloved,

As the raindrops make Love to the parched, thirsty Earth

And the petrichor fills the hollowness of the enamoured Soul,

Of another impatient lover staring far away into the horizon

Waiting for her sweetheart to come back home.

Of the paintings, yet to be completed.

Of the poems, awaiting their meraki and their muse……






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