
I Shall Rise...

 As the darkness of the midnight takes over And sleep engulfs the world I shall rise. To destroy the demons dancing around me Creating havoc in my world, that I had beautifully nurtured with love. To destroy the darkness That tries to confine me within its depths. Breaking the shackles that bind my blistering, bleeding feet... My broken wings will set flight And I shall rise. I shall rise from my ashes, Left over the pyre, that had burnt me long ago.... Snatching away all the dreams I've had, Drenching me, in my own blood,  Leaving me exhausted, of the world around me. I shall rise, Soaring into the sky, that is all mine. Touching the stars, Roaring like the wind, that plays with my long unbraided hair I shall rise. My carefree laughter, echoing into the horizons Will let the Universe know, that I am back. That I have found myself. That the fire within me is not yet dead. My footsteps carving new pathways, Will find their way, to new dreams, To creating new destinies, Creating a ne

What If....

 What if, you were the sun and I was the moon... And we would meet at every dawn. The flowers would bloom at the touch of your golden rays And adorn my bridal attire, As you would tenderly lift the veil of fog, off my face. And I would blush, taking one last glance at you... Before silently melting in your warmth. When the bees would sing to you the poetries I had created All through the night, in my impatience of your arrival... In my endless wait to hold you close, And never let you go.... In my clandestine dreams, of being together In the same bed of clouds, Under the blanket of the stars... When there would be no day....and no night, But just you, and me.  What if, you were the sun, and I was the moon... And we would meet at every dawn, Or at the dusk... When the zephyr would be high on Love, When the sky would be drenched in a myriad of psychedelic colours, When we would find our ephemeral home in the same sky... Just like those happy little birds. And you would then kiss me farew

After All These Days...

  After all these days The moon peeked again, through my window, Just like she did, back home. Her pristine smile drenched the white plumerias, Flowing through the veins of their large broad leaves Drop by drop.... Just the way she used to adorn my own little garden, Where every rose and every jasmine knew me by my name. Where, I had left back my heart....miles apart from myself.  After all these days, the moon peeked again through my window, And I smiled back. The same old smile, that we both had known  Through all these years. The same old smile of long lost friends Meeting again at a far off land. Reminiscing the shared secrets, that nobody knew... Of untold stories and unspoken fears Of Love and of longings.... Of stolen kisses, shy smiles and love struck glances Of tears, that still remained unshed. And, of the sweet pains of the anticipations, That never seemed to end. Cherishing the old times, spent together In the dreamy evenings,  When the winds laden with the fragrance of mag

Someday, When I'ld Be A Granny...

  Some day, when I'll be a granny With silver hairs, and a golden smile When wrinkles would sketch stories over my forehead And my eyes would strain from behind my spects... To peek into what tomorrow hides. When I would stoop with the weight, that I have gracefully carried over my shoulders, Through all these years. And my legs would tremble with anticipation As I would wake up to another new dawn. When words would still visit me, yet, my fingers would refuse to write. When my ink would dry, and my diary would be lost into oblivion. When colours would seem all the same And songs won't bring me tears, anymore.   I would still be that little girl, Chasing butterflies. The one who counts the stars, like they were all hers. Dancing to the sound of the raindrops, Like a teenager, in Love, I'll still be that little girl Wishing upon shooting stars. Living in her world, where magic happens And angels leave behind feathers, that grant wi

Chasing The Horizon, I Ran...

  Chasing the horizon I ran for the moon, Like the winds that blow over the oceans. Howling with all the power, All my might All the strength that was left within me. Not looking at what lay around, Stopping not for a moment, to breathe, I it was never enough. The mirages shimmered  Creating the perfect illusion Of dreams coming true. Of reaching the end of the world,  Where the sun sets, and the moon rises. Where stars lights up the nooks and corners of every boulevard Like sequins, on a dark blue shawl. Of some unknown happiness, that lies scattered..... Way beyond my reach. Chasing the horizon, I ran With a dream to win over my destiny To embrace the happiness of conquering myself. And my words left me..... In the meadows blooming with flowers Pink and purple and white and crimson, That danced to the winds, spilling their fragrance To the butterflies, that happily played around. In the lush green trees, Where birds made their happy little homes Filled with their musical

Within My Heart You Live...

  Within my heart you live, Even though you stay so far away  Amidst the clouds. Amidst the stars. In the peace of the Heaven, In the presence of the Almighty you had so dearly prayed to all through your little time here. Far away from my mortal eyes, You visit me everyday in my dreams. Waking me up to another new day, Like you always did. Your ideals being my guiding light, Your blessings being my armour, You make your presence felt every moment Even in the void you have created here With your absence. The void...that would never again be filled. The void...that would always bring up so many 'what if's. The void...that would make me miss you a bit more with every passing second, Even though you are right next to me.  "Why did you leave??",  I wish I could ask like a naive child, who is so unaware of the ultimate truth of Life. I wish I could make you stay a bit more longer, if not, forever. And then I see you Smiling, within me. Running your hand over my head. Comfor

The Winds Bring Me Your Fragrance...

  The winds bring me the fragrance of your skin, My beloved, From the far off lands, behind the mountains… Where the clouds reign. Where the snow glitters in the lights from the cosmos… And crystal-clear streams dance in ecstasy over rocks and pebbles Creating silver ripples and foamy castles In her journey, to meet her ocean.   The winds bring me the fragrance of your skin, my beloved, In the lonely nights, as I lay awake… Thinking of how far you are, from these tired eyes of mine That hide you carefully, behind their lids, within their dreams… Like some Queen’s stolen treasure, that is not meant to be found. Like a vintage painting, with colours spilled over the canvas like a beautiful mess Holding a meaning, best known to me. Like a beautiful mystery….unknown…unfathomed…unsolved.   The winds bring me the fragrance of your skin, my beloved, When the moon peeks through my window Shining upon my face… Bringing back your stories, from the lands wh