I Shall Rise...
As the darkness of the midnight takes over And sleep engulfs the world I shall rise. To destroy the demons dancing around me Creating havoc in my world, that I had beautifully nurtured with love. To destroy the darkness That tries to confine me within its depths. Breaking the shackles that bind my blistering, bleeding feet... My broken wings will set flight And I shall rise. I shall rise from my ashes, Left over the pyre, that had burnt me long ago.... Snatching away all the dreams I've had, Drenching me, in my own blood, Leaving me exhausted, of the world around me. I shall rise, Soaring into the sky, that is all mine. Touching the stars, Roaring like the wind, that plays with my long unbraided hair I shall rise. My carefree laughter, echoing into the horizons Will let the Universe know, that I am back. That I have found myself. That the fire within me is not yet dead. My footsteps carving new pathways, Will find their way, to new dreams, To creating new destinies, Creating a ne